[Gist] Your virginity till marriage can give you what all the men in the world can’t give!

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Dear Ma,

Sincerely ma, I must commend you for pushing the gospel along the lines of sexual purity, it’s laudable. And for helping ladies and guys fight for their sexual sanctity; it’s not an easy path. Thank you, ma. And please, keep up the good work. I’d like to mention a concern which is out of respect for you ma.   For a young girl or a young guy to stay sexually pure is of great spiritual value; particularly because it’s central to matters that border on destiny. Therefore, we must keep reiterating the utmost importance of living sexually pure lives; both as singles and married people. However, we have to bring that teaching or perspective into harmony with other aspects of the Christian experience. If we raise sexually pure boys and girls who are thinking backward, we would still be in trouble, very deep trouble. I have met virgins with very foul attitudes, and it hurts to know that, they would be blessed for keeping themselves from sexual sins; but they would soon lose the same blessings for very bad characters and attitudes.

No company would employ anyone solely because they are ‘virgins’, and that’s not to make light of it; for it’s virtuous to so be, but we would be setting people up for disappointment if we fail to tell them to add to their sexual purity:

My darling angelic Funmilola and other wonderfully wonderful girls who have chosen to fear God rather than please their flesh and the world.

I couldn’t help but shake my head as I read your message Funmilola. How can a human being make you feel so unworthy? You an uncommon and most priceless jewel, fantastically blessed amongst women! How come you don’t even recognise who you are and what you carry? The fact that you can even brood over someone who doesn’t think much of you is cringe-worthy? I’m sorry but I have to ask- “Who is he by the way and by the bush?” Any carnal-minded person reading would say I’m over-flogging sexual purity! May God illuminate the heart of someone reading but whether that happens or not, I won’t stop preaching this and saving as many girls as possible from peril and arming them against a satanically-patriarchal society!

Funmilola, may God forgive you for saying your life is nothing to write home about! Before biblical Mary’s conception, was she ever known? She was just a simple girl betrothed to a carpenter! What about Esther before she became a queen? She was an orphan and the only relative she had was an uncle whom the bible recorded always sat at the gate. Yet, God found them worthy to be used by Him and transformed their lives beyond human comprehension! I bet your life isn’t as low as theirs was before their eternal fame! Now tell me, if you believe in God and He has been there for you over the years, is there anything God won’t do for you for choosing to obey Him? With all the power and glory you carry? May your ignorance and spiritual dullness not kick you out of God’s incredibly grand design for your life! Before I write on your request, please detach yourself from that boyfriend of yours immediately and get ready for the best days of your life! I shall address your request in my next article. May God show you a sample of the rewards of obedience and let it manifest in your life before then in Jesus’ name!

Great Attitude




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