3 Encouraging Bible Verses About Money That Everyone Should Know

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3 Encouraging Bible Verses About Money That Everyone Should Know


Let me start by saying that it was difficult to create this list. Think about it, I am trying to pick the best verses from the Bible about a particular topic. Are there really best verses, or are there just those that have impacted us more than others? I tend to think the latter.

So, this list is just that. These are 5 verses about money that, even as I just scratch the surface of understanding them, have revolutionized my financial life. Each one of them has had a strong impact on me during good times and during financial struggles as well. I hope you allow them to impact you as well.


1. Philippians 4:19

“And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”


If you have lived much life at all, you are probably well aware that putting your trust in the economy, your employer, or your bank account is not a good idea. They are all fair-weather friends. They all can be helping you greatly one minute, and then the next everything has changed.


God, however is always faithful. That is why we should always be trusting Him as our supply! It doesn’t matter if there is a financial crisis, if you get laid off, or your 401k loses 90 percent of it’s value, God will still supply your needs. Just like He promised.



2. Malachi 3:10

“”Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,’ says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.'”


It is a bold step of faith to start tithing. Cynics sometimes argue that tithing is not required in the New Testament. I actually agree, since our salvation is no longer based on works, but on faith in Jesus. But to be quite honest, as New Testament believers, 10 percent should just be a mile-marker on our giving journey. After all, God owns it all and no matter where we are as far as what we are giving, we should always be striving to give more. From my own personal tithing experience, I found that stepping out in Faith in this area and testing Him proved to be quite fruitful and yielded a pretty amazing testimony.

3.  1 Timothy 6:10

“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”


This verse is so often misquoted that it is almost laughable. Money is not evil. The love of it is. Having a million in your bank account doesn’t mean that you love it. Having $5 in your account doesn’t prove that you don’t.

For example, Warren Buffett has billions in his accounts, but he is giving almost all of it away to benefit the lives of others. On the other hand I have heard stories of people getting killed over a matter of $20. It is a matter of the heart that only God can judge.




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